Resources by Subject
We have compiled a wealth of resources and information for families, providers, and organizations on a variety of topics regarding housing for people with IDD.
Our Resources by Subject list is non-exhaustive. To submit a resource that we missed, click the button below!
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing Primer article
Low Income Housing Tax Credit: How it Works & Who it Serves
Preserving, Protecting, and Expanding Affordable Housing: A Policy Toolkit for Public Health
Section 8 Made Simple article
Supportive Housing 101: What is Supportive Housing?
Community Building
4 Elements to Creating a Sense of Community by David McMillan
31 Ways to Build Community in Your Neighborhood: Inspiration for better local living from the Denver Dweller blog
Living In Our Communities: Webinar 1 or 3 from WIBPDD
Cardinal Capital Management: National housing developer based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gorman & Company: Specializes in: downtown revitalization; the preservation of affordable housing, workforce housing, and the adaptive reuse of significant historic buildings
Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM): Internationally-recognized, non-profit developer of housing; schools; community centers; mixed-income, mixed-use neighborhoods, and other essential neighborhood assets
JT Klein Company, Inc.: Workforce, Senior, and Mixed income Housing development based in Madison, WI
Madison Development Corporation: Non-profit organization that owns and manages 348 affordable workforce housing units in the Madison area
Mandel Group: Development and management of luxury apartment communities in Milwaukee, its surrounding suburbs, and beyond
Movin’ Out: Develops new multi-family housing with most units affordable for low- to moderate-income households
Wisconsin Partnership for Housing Development: Build traditional neighborhood single family homes, condominiums, and mutifamily rental housing
Disability Advocacy Organizations
Alianza (Milwaukee): Promoting the independence of individuals with diverse abilities in our community
Autism Society of Southeastern WI: Improves the lives of all affected by autism
The Arc Wisconsin: Advocates for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families to improve their quality of life; expand opportunities; and to increase their full inclusion in all aspects of community throughout their lifetimes
Board for People with Developmental Disabilities: Uniting ALL of Wisconsin in supporting our citizens with developmental disabilities to lead their most independent lives
Disability Rights Wisconsin: Housing rights, rental assistance programs, and more
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin: Provide support to Wisconsin families and individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities through awareness, education, information, programs, services, and the exchange of ideas and experiences
National Disability Rights Network: Nonprofit membership organization for the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and the Client Assistance Programs (CAP) for individuals with disabilities
National Down Syndrome Society: Leading human rights organization for all individuals with Down syndrome
People First Wisconsin: Statewide self-advocacy organization for people with disabilities
Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations: Focuses on changing and improving policies and practices that support people with disabilities of all ages to be full participants in community life
529 Able Accounts: The ABLE Act allows Americans who are living with disabilities to save money for college and other expenses in a tax-deferred account as a supplement to private insurance and public benefits.
Disability Benefits Specialist: Disability benefit specialists (DBS) help answer questions and solve problems related to Social Security, Medicare, health insurance, and other public and private benefits for people with disabilities
Medicaid in Wisconsin: Wisconsin Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides high-quality health care coverage, long-term care, and other services to over one million Wisconsin residents
Wisconsin Housing Assistance Programs: An overview of public programs that can offer assistance with renovating and weatherizing existing housing, filling energy needs, and obtaining access to public housing and rent assistance
Home Modifications
AARP HomeFit Guide: A free publication featuring smart ways to make a home comfortable, safe and a great fit for older adults — and people of all ages
Basement Guides: Home safety for people with disabilities
Focus on Energy FREE Resource Packs: Check out this website that provides one free pack of housing-related supplies to "low-income" individuals and families
Home Adaptations for the Disabled – 9.529: Fact sheet from Colorado State University Extension
Home Remodeling and Modifications for People with Special Needs: Overview of laws and resources
Homeability: Tips, tricks, & technology for living at home for a lifetime; the truth about home modification funding
Home Modifications and Products for Safety and Ease of Use: Covers topics of hearing, vision, sense of touch, balance and coordination, cognition, and more
Long-Term Care
Long-Term Care and Support: Info from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services
National Housing Resources
Autism Housing Network: Bringing together the best ideas in housing for adults with autism and other intellectual / developmental disabilities
Best Buddies Living Program: An integrated experience for people with and without IDD to become active, contributing citizens who live independently in a dynamic environment where they can learn, grow, and thrive
Collaborative Community Housing Initiative: Bringing people of all abilities together to support a vibrant new kind of inclusive community. We accomplish this through collaboration with like minded partners to create shared spaces to live, work, play and serve our neighbors
One Kin Roof: Offer an inclusive neighborhood that represents the diversity in our society
2019 Annual Report On People With Disabilities In America: Statistic records to track the progress of people with disabilities using key social and economic indicators
2019 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: Information about the
population with disabilities and about the government programs that serve
people with disabilities.
Resource Guides
Assisting People with Autism: Guidance for Local Authority Housing Officers
National Fire Protection Association: Statement On Fire Safety & People with Disabilities
Providing a Safe Home Environment for Alzheimer's Patients: from Aging Care
Secondary Education/Transition Programs for People with IDD
Bethesda College of Applied Learning: Of Concordia University in Wisconsin
Cutting Edge Program: Of Edgewood College in Madison, WI
Shepherd’s College: The country’s leading three-year post-secondary educational program for students with intellectual disabilities
Support Service Providers
Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) in Wisconsin: Your local aging and disability resource center (ADRC) is the first place to go to get accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability
Autism Society of Southeastern WI: Improves the lives of all affected by autism
Balance Inc.: Balance provides both Adult Family Homes (single family homes) and independent apartment support (Supportive Living)
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin: Provide support to Wisconsin families and individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities through awareness, education, information, programs, services, and the exchange of ideas and experiences
EasterSeals: Work every day to change the way the world defines and views disabilities by making profound, positive differences in people's lives
Independence First: The resource for people with disabilities
Life Navigators: Improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families
Milwaukee Center for Independence: Helping people of all ages and all abilities get the support they need to reach greater independence and live fuller, more enriching lives
Project SEARCH: Project SEARCH is a business led collaboration that enables young adults with disabilities to gain and maintain employment through training and career exploration
St. Ann Center: Day care for children and adults
AbleLink Smart Living Technologies: Enables individuals with cognitive disabilities to experience a more self-determined and fulfilled life
Aira: Connects people who are blind or have low vision with real, highly-trained professionals who provide visual information on demand
Cough Drop: Empowers people to make their voices heard
Disability Cocoon: Enabling technology resource hub & catalyst
Microsoft Seeing AI: A free app that narrates the world around you
Night Owl Support Systems: Delivers quality in-home support with the use of technology while becoming a valuable and meaningful part of people’s lives
The Path to Independence: Mobile Apps to Support Transition Age Youth: Article from the Pacer Center
Rest Assured: Telecare and remote support
Routine Factory: Provide Structure & Predictability for People With Special Needs
SimplyHome: Technology to empower independence for people who are living with a disability or aging in place
Top 5 Websites that Highlight Apps for People with IDD blog post
Wisconsin’s Assistive Technologies Program (DHS): Provides information on selecting, funding, installing, and using assistive technology
Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) in Wisconsin: Your local aging and disability resource center (ADRC) is the first place to go to get accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability
Inclusion Article: Aging in Place - Positive Possibilities
Financial Resources
Madison Trust Company: Financial Resources for People with Disabilities
Wisconsin Guardianship of Adults Handbook: Complete guide to guardianship in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Guardianship Support Center: Provides information and assistance on issues related to guardianship, protective placement, advance directives, and more
Letter of Intent
Special Needs Alliance Letter of Intent information
Preparing for Community Living
Community Living Toolkit: This workbook will help you break down your goals related to living in the community
Social Security
Social Security Administration: Benefits for people with disabilities
Supplemental Security Income in Wisconsin: Department of Health Services website
WIPA – Work Incentives Planning & Assistance: Social Security designed the WIPA project to provide information and support to beneficiaries who are working or want to work and need to know how employment will affect their Social Security benefits
Supported Decision-Making
Special Needs Trust Planning & Able Accounts
Able Accounts and Special Needs Trusts: Webinar hosted by the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin, presented by Kathleen Oberneder, Financial Advisor at Crescendo Wealth Management, and Jessica Liebau, Attorney with Wessels Law Office LLC
Special Needs Financial Planning through the Life Stages: Webinar hosted by the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin, presented by Kathleen Oberneder, Financial Advisory with Crescendo Wealth Management LLC
Special Needs Trusts: Information and resources from the Arc
Wisconsin Housing Authorities
Wisconsin Fair Housing Council: Enforcement, outreach and education, fair lending and inclusive communities programs