CHTFWI Commends Proposed Funding for Students & Families

Community Housing Task Force Commends Proposed Funding for Students & Families

The Community Housing Task Force for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities commends Governor Evers’ proposal to allocate a portion of state surplus revenues to individuals with disabilities and their families. This plan would primarily benefit students and family caregivers. The proposed plan would create a family caregiver tax credit, increase reimbursement rates for special education and high-cost special education, support lead testing and remediation in schools, and expand school mental health funding for student services staff.

The recent changes in education have had a profound impact on students, especially those with disabilities. Using the surplus funds in this way would outwardly solidify Wisconsin’s commitment to supporting students facing academic and mental health struggles arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic. We look forward to seeing this proposal progress and our government taking advantage of this opportunity to better support students with disabilities and families.


Testimony in Support of AB 400